Due to a recent update for the CentOS / Red Hat Enterprise Linux(RHEL) 6.9 operating system, the Forum Sentry service will fail to start. This issue is related to a known problem with the latest Red Hat kernel updates.
Detailed information regarding this issue is available in the following documents:
- DAEMON-364 - Latest RHEL kernel update crashes jsvc
- DAEMON-363 - JSVC Fails to launch (SIGBUS 0x7) on Centos 6.9 Kernel 2.6.32-696.3.2.el6.x86_64
The workaround described in DAEMON-364 can be applied to Sentry by modifying the <Sentry install dir>/xmlserver/config/ file to add the "-Xss2m" argument to the the JVM_ARGS parameter. After modifying the file, start the xmlserver service.
There may be additional implications of running Sentry with this issue. Although the workaround will allow Sentry to run, it's recommended that Sentry not be installed on CentOS / RHEL 6.9 until the kernel issue has been addressed.