FAQ: FTPS Modes Supported by Forum Sentry

Forum Sentry support FTPS for both SSL and TLS.  

As of release 8. 1.153 Forum Sentry supports BOTH implicit and explicit FTPS.


Versions prior to 8.1.153 support FTPS explicit mode only.


A brief description of Explicit FTPS vs Implicit FTPS:

Explicit: This type of security requires that the FTP client issues a specific command (AUTH SSL or AUTH TLS) to the FTP server after a connection to establish the SSL link has been made. The default FTP server port is used.

Implicit: This is a mechanism by which security is automatically turned on as soon as the FTP client makes a connection to an FTP server. In this case, the FTP server defines a specific port for the client (990) to be used for secure connections. Implicit FTPS is not supported by Forum Presidio.

With FTPS, Forum Systems recommends using AUTH TLS (as opposed to AUTH SSL) whenever possible.

If you have a question on or problem using FTPS with Presidio or Sentry please submit a case or contact Forum Systems Support.


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